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HSE Tops the Ranking of Universities Leading in Technology Entrepreneurship

HSE Tops the Ranking of Universities Leading in Technology Entrepreneurship

© HSE University

HSE University has taken a leading position in the university ranking prepared by the 'Expert' analytical centre. The ‘Techpred-50’ ranking evaluates the success of educational institutions in training founders of technology startups over the period from 2014 to 2023. HSE University has entered the Top-3, alongside MIPT and Moscow State University.

The ranking grades universities according to several key indicators, including the number of local and international startups launched by graduates, the volume of attracted investment, as well as support for startups at the development stage. HSE scored the maximum rates in most parameters, which helped the university to top the ranking.

According to the ranking, HSE graduates have significantly influenced the creation of technology startups both in Russia and abroad. The university leads in the number of founded startups that operate both locally and internationally. Out of the startups listed in the ranking, HSE graduates founded 44.7% local and 82% international ones.

These numbers confirm that the university not only trains highly qualified specialists, but also contributes to their career development on global markets.

In addition, HSE University took first place in terms of attracted investment. According to the ranking, startups founded by HSE graduates attracted the largest investments both in roubles at the local level and in dollars for international projects.

In recent years, the university has consistently developed programmes aimed at supporting technology entrepreneurship. It creates conditions for the development of startups, offers acceleration programmes and cooperates with venture funds and business incubators. The university provides students with unique opportunities to implement their projects, offering them access to expert support, financing, and the development of entrepreneurial competencies.

Dmitry Shminke

Deputy Vice Rector, Head of the HSE Business Incubator

‘We pay great attention to the development of technology entrepreneurship, as we consider it a key factor for sustainable economic growth and innovative leadership in Russia. The HSE Business Incubator helps our students and graduates turn their ideas into successful projects. We are proud that our graduates have topped the ranking and have demonstrated such outstanding results.’

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