‘It Is a Great Experience – Being Happy for Your Students’ Success and Watching Them Outdo You’
On December 23, 2015, the 15th Golden HSE Award ceremony took place at the Central House of Artists.
Winners of the Golden HSE Announced
On December 23 the winners of the Golden HSE Awards were announced. The jury selected the winners in each of the main categories: Achievement in research, Contribution to the development of HSE, For kindness and personal involvement, Achievement in teaching and Alumni success in academic activity. Winners of the Silver Nestling were also announced during the ceremony.
Golden HSE — A Chance to Show your Appreciation to Colleagues and Students
HSE is beginning to nominate candidates for the annual university prize Golden HSE. All staff, including international faculty are invited to nominate their favourite candidate. HSE Academic Secretary Natalia Savelieva explains why you should seize this opportunity to show appreciation for your colleagues.

Golden HSE -2014 Award Winners Announced
On December 1, HSE celebrated another anniversary and, according to tradition, awarded the best teachers, researchers, administrative staff, and students with the Golden HSE prize.
people have already been nominated for the Golden HSE. Those wishing to nominate a candidate still have until October 31 to do so.