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Azkhariya Muminova

  • Azkhariya Muminova has been at HSE University since 2018.


- Work in collective projects of the Center

- Participation in regular seminars, lectures, conferences and summer schools organized by the Centre

- Assisting other Center stuff

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

Professional development on the program "Different concepts of inclusion and their implementation in education and culture" in 2021/2022, Moscow, MSLU. Professional development certificate № 770300018176. 

Awards and Accomplishments

Winner of the HSE University Best Russian Research Paper Competition – 2023

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2024)

Postgraduate Studies

2nd year of study
Approved topic of thesis: Interpersonal, Intergroup Attitudes and Interaction Strategies of Students in Multicultural Classrooms in Russia and Tajikistan
Academic Supervisor: Bushina, Ekaterina



  • 2022
    VIII Международный форум по педагогическому образованию “Образование, профессиональное развитие и сохранение здоровья учителя в XXI веке” (Казань). Presentation: Влияние этнической принадлежности на восприятие ролей этнических меньшинств в ситуации школьного буллинга российскими студентами: факторный дизайн
  • 2021
    32nd International Congress of Psychology (Прага). Presentation: The relationship between acculturation strategies and school bullying among ethnic minorities
  • 3rd Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference (Постдам). Presentation: Relationship between acculturation expectations of Russian students and self-esteem: role of school bulling and migrantophobia
  • VIII Международная научная конференция "Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations" (Москва). Presentation: Взаимосвязь аккультурационных ожиданий русских школьников с самооценкой: роль школьного буллинга и мигрантофобии
  • IV Международной научной очно-заочной конференции «ЭТНОС И КУЛЬТУРА В ЭПОХУ ГЛОБАЛИЗАЦИИ» (Сухуми). Presentation: Взаимная аккультурация и буллинг русских школьников и школьников из этнических меньшинств: роль мигрантофобии и воспринимаемой этнической дискриминации
  • 2020
    Международная научная конференция студентов и молодых ученых "Ломоносов-2020" (Москва). Presentation: Взаимосвязь стратегий аккультурации и школьного буллинга среди представителей этнических меньшинств
  • Международная научная конференция студентов и молодых ученых "Ломоносов-2020" (Москва). Presentation: Взаимосвязь стратегий аккультурации и школьного буллинга среди представителей этнических меньшинств
  • International Research Conference "Acculturation and Intercultural Relations: Post-Soviet Experience" (Москва). Presentation: The relationship between acculturation strategies and school bullying among representatives of ethnic minorities
  • International Research Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion" (Москва). Presentation: Acculturation strategies and school bullying
  • 2019
    Психология в бизнесе: теория и практика 2019 (Москва). Presentation: Онлайн-образование: социальные представления
  • Психология в бизнесе: теория и практика 2019 (Москва). Presentation: Онлайн-образование: социальные представления

Employment history

April 2020 - present: Research Assistant at the HSE Center for Sociocultural Research
August 2019 - September 2019: Trainee Analyst at ANCOR Recruitment Agency

Azhariya Karimova took part in the summer school of the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics dedicated to well-being in education

The summer school organised by Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics for well-being researchers was held from 26 to 29 June.

Academic personnel reserve of the National Research University Higher School of Economics

X International Scientific Conference "Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations".

On November 8, 2023, the X International Scientific Conference "Culture in Society, Between Groups and Across Generations" was held, annually organized by the Center for Sociocultural Research at HSE University. The event also featured a roundtable discussion on "What is happening to the identity of Russians amidst the special military operation?"

"Best Russian-language scientific work" in the field of "Psychology"

Winter School 2023

 The Applied Social Psychology master's program day was held as part of the Winter School for Psychology on February 13, 2023.

Award ceremony for Student Research Paper Competition 2022

 An award ceremony for the winners and laureates of the Student Research Paper Competition 2022 was held at the HSE Center of Cultures on February 1.

A Combined Master's-PhD track - a look from the inside

Interview with a student of Combined Master's-PhD track on the Applied Social Psychology program and at the Doctoral School of Psychology - Asya Muminova.

Relationship between Acculturation Strategies and School Bullying in Ethnic Minority Adolescents

On October 8 Azhariya Muminova (Research Assistant, CSCR, HSE) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Relationship between Acculturation Strategies and School Bullying in Ethnic Minority Adolescents".