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Jul 15 – Jul 17

International conference 'Algebraic Topology and Applications'

Jul 15, 12:00

Open day of the programme 'Data Analytics and Social Statistics': 'Applied Statistics and Data Science'

Jul 18, 18:30

Webinar 'Who Are Data Analysts?'


HSE and Yandex Hold Second Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

On June 20-27, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science teamed up with the Yandex School of Data Analysis to carry out the Second International Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics. This year’s Summer School took place in Lund, Sweden, and saw the participation of 60 students and researchers from Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia, the U.S., Sweden, Switzerland, and more. Of these students, five came from the Higher School of Economics.

New Information Technologies Could Spark a Revolution in Contract Law

The HSE International Laboratory for Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law has conducted an International Summer School on Cyber Law (ISSC). One key topic was how blockchain technology influences traditional contract law.

Now in its Sixth Year, Russian-Chinese Summer School Becomes a Truly International Event

On July 6, 2016, the VI International Russian-Chinese Summer School on International Affairs came to a close. Run jointly by the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and East China Normal University, with sponsorship provided by the Gorchakov Fund, this year’s school focused on the role of institutions in the new global governance architecture.

‘Information about the School is Passed from Generation to Generation’

From July 2 – 7, 2016, the 10th Russian Summer School on Institutional Analysis (RSSIA) took place just outside of Moscow. This event traditionally attracts experts in various areas of institutional research, as well as young researchers, for whom the School is a chance to work on projects under the supervision of leading scholars.

International Summer School on Higher Education Research

The IV International Summer School on Higher Education Research, which was devoted to ‘Higher Education, Society and State’, was held June 4-10 in St. Petersburg. Organized jointly with the China Institute for Educational Finance Research at Peking University, the Summer School brings together senior and junior scholars in the field of higher education research; it aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas, enhance research quality, and foster the integration of early-career researchers into the international academic community.

International Spring School on Human Rights Debates Issues of Religion, Identity and Freedom of Conscience

In May, the HSE Voronovo Learning Centre hosted the International Spring School on Human Rights, a five-day educational retreat organized jointly by the HSE Department of Public Policy, the University of Bologna and the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Fulbright Summer School on Public Scholarship to Take Place in Moscow

The HSE Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, together with MSU Department of Discourse and Communication Studies are organizing the 19th Fulbright International Summer School in the Humanities, which will take place from June 27 – July 1, 2016, in Moscow. We discussed the highlights of this summer school with Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk, associate professor at the HSE School of Media and one of the Summer School organizers.

‘ICEF Helped Me Realize Two of My Dreams’

Every year, the best achieving ICEF students are given the opportunity to go to the LSE Summer School in London. ICEF sponsored three students in 2015, and two students received a grant from LSE and ICEF. We asked LSE Summer School 2015 participants to tell us what helped them become best academic achievers and to share their impressions of the summer school and the city. It turned out that they have different life strategies, but they share a love of LSE library and the desire to learn and work hard.

First International Summer School on Topography of Imperial Space Held at HSE Saint Petesrburg

An international summer school in St. Petersburg held by the HSE History Department in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has come to a close. On September 29, 22 students from 17 German universities who had come to St. Petersburg to study Russian history, culture and language received certificates of participation in the programme. Setting off for home the following day, they took with them a unique experience of studying in Russia’s most beautiful city, as well as new ideas and an understanding of Russia and its people.

Baltic Practice Turns to the East

The Baltic Practice International Summer School, held by the HSE Public Policy Department, has celebrated its 15th anniversary. Its organizers and participants recently spoke about what’s most important for people to know about the Baltic Practice, and about why, after 15 years, the school is changing direction.